Below you will find a list of presentations, that have been prepared by consortium partners and presented at the respective project meetings.
Coordination Meeting UZ
| 04 March 2020
Coordination Meeting UZ 04.03.2020 [277.95 KB]
Minutes of the Coordination Meeting March 2020 [113.58 KB]
NICOPA_UZ TUIIT List of participants_Coordination Meeting_04.03.2020 [162.35 KB]
Coordination Meeting TM
| 05 December 2019
Presentation ZOOM meeting [812.03 KB]
Coordination Meeting UZ
| 20 November 2019
Milestones NICOPA project [835.45 KB]
Coordination Meeting & Dissemination Event KZ
| 29 - 30 October 2019
EXO 3 Mission [1.33 MB]
Milestones Nicopa [653.4 KB]
Training Berlin
| 19 - 30 August 2019
Training Presentations
GFZ Presentations
Presentation - Asgarimehr [2.21 MB]
Presentation - Erasmus Tschmidt [4.57 MB]
Kick-Off Meeting Berlin
| 4 - 5 March 2019
Partners' Introductory Presentations
EU - CULS Kick-Off [4.76 MB]
EU - ECM Kick-Off [9.48 MB]
KZ - KATU Kick-Off [1.47 MB]
KZ - KSU Kick-Off [1.19 MB]
KZ - KokSU Kick-Off [6.73 MB]
KZ - NKSU Kick-Off [678.72 KB]
TM - TAI Kick-Off [1.47 MB]
TM - TAU Kick-Off [1.07 MB]
UZ - NUU Kick-Off [8.82 MB]
UZ - TIIAME Kick-Off [2.77 MB]
UZ - TUIT Kick-Off [4.68 MB]
Project Presentations
NICOPA_Quality_Assurance_Final_Stage [497.15 KB]
Nicopa Quality Assurance [351.2 KB]
Project Presentation Nicopa [1.88 MB]
Quality Curricula Nicopa [277.2 KB]
Regional coordination meeting with Uzbekistan universities
| 20 November 2018
Project overview presentation [2.31 MB]